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eCollect’s CEO Marc Schillinger at
Essen Digitalisiert            

I had a blast at Essen Digitalisiert! It was so exciting to exchange ideas and know-how about industry trends and digitalisation with outstanding leaders such as ROSE Bikes, BITMARCK, Pottsalat, opta data, Funke Mediengruppe GmbH & Co. KGaA, StepStone and many others.The receivables management and debt collection industry is highly segmented and lacking service completeness. At eCollect, we are working on end-to-end solutions closing the entire payments and receivables management cycle including debt collection across boarders. Thank you for the great organisation EWG – Essener Wirtschaftsförderung and the City of Essen – Stadt Essen .I believe that such events bring us closer to breaking silos and establishing better business models!